The European Commission has taken a positive stance on the introduction of particle measurement.
The topic of particle counting is gaining momentum in Europe. After preliminary studies by TNO (NL), BAST (D), GOCA (B) and the European laboratory JRC, the specification phase was carried out by the working group NPTI (New Periodical Technical Inspection) and the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (D).
The pioneer countries Holland, Belgium and Germany have developed specifications from these working groups and agreed on 1.7.2022 (NL, B) and 1.1.2023 (D) as the introduction date for the particle counting method.
The approval phases are underway in the Netherlands (for the NL and B markets) and also at the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology, Metas (CH). They are expected to start shortly in Germany as well.
Initially, only diesel vehicles (DPF) will be eligible for the measurement of particles at idling speed. In terms of equipment, particle measurement can be carried out on petrol vehicles with the same equipment. However, the procedure for conditioning petrol vehicles will be different from simple idling. The definition of this procedure still needs to be investigated. The JRC (Joint Research Centre) has addressed this issue.
The European Commission has listened to the initiative of these pioneering countries and for this reason has asked the JRC to carry out additional studies. On the basis of these, a recommendation (non-binding document) is to be prepared by the end of 2021, which will provide a framework for Member States wishing to introduce particle measurement.
In parallel, the revision of the directive on roadworthiness testing has started. The European Commission has taken a positive stance on the introduction of particle measurement. This stance is based on the JRC reports on two test campaigns carried out this year to complement the work on the Recommendation.
It is clear that this Recommendation will form the basis for the work on the recast of the MOT Directive. Other regions of the world are waiting for European initiatives to introduce this new feature into their regulations.

Georges Petelet from CAPELEC and the French federation GIEG (Groupe des Industries d’Equipements de Garage) chairs the EGEA WG 2 Emissions/OBD
Source : EGEA Inside December 2021
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