The CAP2600 series expert headlamp beamsetter is powerful and innovative. It offers numerous functions for precise alignment, positioning and measurement, anywhere in the workshop area.

Matrix technology compatibility:
The calibration of anti-glare Matrix Led lights / GFHB (Glare free high beam) function is supported by an automatic or manual procedure depending on the manufacturer's procedure.
It optimizes the implementation and brings numerous functionalities. It supports left and right hand drive.
The image processing software handles all types of headlights: halogen, Xenon, LED, AFS.
The touch screen can be rotated and facilitates adjustments in the workshops. The battery offers a long autonomy and a fast recharge.

Multi zone use:
Associated with Anywhere ground compensation module and an on-board inclinometer, the 3-wheel base makes it easy to move and measure throughout the workshop, allowing reliable and accurate measurements regardless of the condition and flatness of the ground.

Additional services through a detailed diagnosis
Before/After report; the headlight beam diagnosis is carried out in a didactic and clear report issued in just a few minutes. It also gives the repairer and driver an advanced report: is the lighting optimum? Dangerous for the driver or other vehicles? The A4 format printout can be saved, used or published.
CAP2600 Workshop HBT behaves like an Internet Box. Its implementation is easy and helped by a tutorial. You can therefore from a PC, a smart Phone through your favorite browser do all the necessary operations (transfer, archiving, printing ...).
Integrated printer
Brake set for wheel base