Capelec Group
CAPELEC GROUP consolidates the design, industrialization and distribution activities of PEGASOR and CAPELEC companies.

Mobility monitoring
CAPELEC creates and designs future's measurement solutions. Mobility and its evolutions are at the heart of its achievements.
Its inspection equipment embeds innovative technologies for the conformity inspection of vehicles, but also for road safety and for the protection of the environment.
It is strongly involved in major international organizations, for a vision of transport on a global scale.

Air quality control
Due to the development of Transportation, Industry and Environment, control and measurement of fine particles in the air has become a requirement.
Through its expertise in the measurement of nanoparticles, PEGASOR offers patented devices for monitoring particles, reliable, real-time and accurate.
A cutting-edge technology that is part of an approach to monitoring emissions, to maintain air quality in a world in perpetual evolution.